25 Healthy Shakes, Smoothies and Slushies: Basics for Beginners

With everyone on the go each day, how can you ever find the time to eat well? And how can you ever convince the children that fruits and vegetables are good for them, let alone […]

How to Help Children with ADHD Succeed in School

It’s only natural for parents of children with ADHD to be concerned about how they will perform in school. The symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can create behavioral problems that often interfere with a […]

Is There a Link Between ADHD and Pesticides?

In May 2010, a noteworthy study was released which implied that there may be a connection between pesticides and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For the study, approximately one thousand children were tested for organophosphates. […]

Know Your Cholesterol Numbers

Do you know your cholesterol numbers? If you have not had a check-up in the past year, now might be the time to find out. Chances are you might have a problem. Lipitor is the […]

How safe are your fruits and veggies? A nasty parasite could be lurking on them

Summer is here, and with it another series of outbreaks of cyclospora. Cyclospora is just one of the many foodborne illnesses that can sicken you and your family all year round, but especially in the […]

How to Choose the Right Multivitamin

Go into any drug store, health food store and even warehouse club and you will find a dazzling array of multivitamins all claiming that they are complete or that they are specially formulated for your […]

Childhood Obesity Risks

Obesity is not a concern only for adults in United States. It is now becoming an increasingly alarming health concern for children. What was once considered a bit of baby fat can now be perceived […]

More Healthy Quinoa Cookery for Beginners

by Mara Michaels and Erin Kennedy Quinoa, pronounced keen-WAH, is a rather confusing food for many people. Is it a whole-grain, or something more?  Is it a carbohydrate-like rice?  Is it related to wheat? Or, […]

Healthy Quinoa Cookery for Beginners

by Mara Michaels and Erin Kennedy Quinoa can be classed as a “super food”, full of nutrition and great taste. In this guide, the authors discuss what quinoa is, the history of quinoa, how to […]